Pola is at the peak of popularity - at the age of only 22, she fills the halls at her concerts and is extremely successful in the music industry. One day, after one of her performances, the girl, under the influence of alcohol, causes a car accident. To silence the matter, the star's father and manager places her in an addiction therapy and treatment center, where the singer is...
- 8.0 萬物三生
2024 劇情簡介:垂拱四年,狄仁杰任江南巡撫使,在一次前往下轄的臨安縣視察過程中,遇到了一起亂案。老漢孟云德狀告其姑爺李大有殺害自己的女兒孟香蓮和兒子孟楊,而李大有則反告自己的岳父將孟香蓮藏起來意欲再嫁他人。原來孟香蓮和李大有在一次爭吵中一氣之下回了娘家。 而在孟香蓮回娘家之后,李大有母親一氣之下便生了病,沒辦法李大有只能將孟香蓮請回照看。李大有來到孟香蓮家百般勸說,孟香蓮答應(yīng)回去,但天色已晚只能等到第二日由弟弟孟楊送回。李大有由于擔(dān)心母親,當(dāng)夜便趕了回去。然而過了幾日也沒見孟香蓮回來,李大有再去要人,卻被岳父告知兩人早就出發(fā)。兩個大活人憑空消失,李大有便懷疑岳父將自己妻子藏匿起來想要另嫁他人,孟云德也懷疑李大有殺害自己妻子和兒子。臨安縣令周從善不知如何是好,只能求助狄仁杰。
- 1.0 愛你不是兩三天
- 4.0 湖畔的女人們
- 8.0 十日尋人
- 7.0 假如,我是這世上最愛你的人